Overseas Registration and Overseas Voting


Overseas Registration and Overseas Voting

The Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Act 2011, makes provisions for Bahamian Citizens to register and to vote from overseas locations. Overseas registration and voting is extended to certain voter categories and voters must adhere to certain conditions.  

Overseas Voting Process

Bahamian Citizens seeking to vote abroad must do the following:

  • Submit his/her application for enrolment using form J as an overseas voter or form K as a special voter in person at any embassy, high commission or foreign mission; or
  • Apply in writing to the Parliamentary Commissioner for enrolment as an overseas or special voter.

Applications to vote may be done using a special form “J” or “K” and submitted in person, by facsimile, or electronically, to reach the Parliamentary Commissioner within seven days of the issue of the writ.

A person who meets the criteria and is enrolled as an overseas voter will not be able to vote in The Bahamas on polling day.

 Advanced Polls Locations

Learn more about advanced poll locations for overseas voting. Voting at advanced poll locations is subject to health and safety regulations. Please confirm the availability of your selected advanced poll location prior to traveling.

2021 General Election Poll Projection Results 
We apologize, the information that you have requested is unavailable at this time. We are currently working towards having this information available as soon as possible. 

Notice of Relocation: Parliamentary Registration Department
The Parliamentary Registration Department wishes to inform the public that our office has relocated to a new address:

Tonique Williams-Darling Highway
(In the former Bank of The Bahamas Building)
We look forward to serving you at our new location. For further inquiries, please contact us at (242) 397-2000/1.

Thank you for your attention.

