Discover Our Core Values
Employee Code of Conduct
As an employee of the Parliamentary Registration Department, I hereby swear that I will:
- Conduct myself in an irreproachable manner, observing the highest level of person integrity, professionalism, discretion and objectivity;
- Do nothing to bring disrepute to the electoral process;
- Refrain from the use of official resources for personal gain and neither solicit nor accept any gifts or favours that could be perceived as compromising my integrity;
- Maintain strict independence, reject and report any attempt at improper influence, and refrain from accepting direction regarding my responsibilities from any person except my official superior;
- Act in a strictly neutral and unbiased manner, not allowing personal relationship or considerations to influence the performance of my official duties or the interest of PRD;
- Refrain from publicly expressing any political views or views on any subject which may become a political issue in an election;
- Execute all duties assigned to the best of my ability in an impartial, non-partisan, neutral and equitable manner;
- Treat every registrant, voter, political party, observer, candidate, member of the media, and other participants or stakeholders in the electoral process in a respectful, fair, just and equitable manner;
- Protect the privacy of any sensitive or personal information entrusted to me in the course of my duties; and
- Abide by all laws, regulations and procedures governing the conduct of public officers and contract workers.